Yousefnejad, Inspector General of Cooperatives, Labour and Social Welfare, Rezapour, Deputy Inspector General of Cooperatives, Bataghva, Inspector of SSIC, and Mirashrafi, Inspector of Topico, visited the Iranol oil refinery in Tehran and production process

At the beginning of the meeting, YousefNejad, the representative of the National Inspection Organization, referring to the organization's new approach to field presence in business environments and familiarity with production barriers and problems facing production centers, declared that to help fulfil the slogan of the year based on production leaps, and dialogue with managers to remove barriers and develop transparency, they have planned visits to production centers, Iranol Public Relations reports
Mirashrafi announced his readiness for receiving any proposal and recommendation of the monitoring bodies, to increase transparency and reduce infringements in the subsidiaries. “Any cooperation to increase transparency and reduce infringements will be welcomed”, he said, “we hope that the various production sectors will take appropriate steps in this regard
Then, Dr. Mohammad Hossein Razaghi, CEO of Iranol Oil Company, briefly introduced the company. He explained the activities and provided a detailed report on the latest situation of Iranol sales and exports. “Holding auctions with the new system is the most important step towards increasing transparency in the company,” he said
Finally, Razzaghi expressed some initiatives in the sale of domestic and export products and considered these initiatives effective in increasing the company's production and annual profit
At the end of the meeting, Dr. Mohammad Ghasemi Hamedan, a member of the board of directors of Iranol Oil Company, mentioned the establishment of systemic mechanisms to accurately and transparently identifying the agents and distribution and sales agencies. “Complete instructions have been prepared to identify the representatives. The process will be implemented soon” he said
27 October 2020 Print
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