During the clean air week and in order to protect the environment, the instant monitoring system of output gas of Iranol refinery unit was launched on Monday, January 20th, with the presence of Mohammad Taghizadeh, civil deputy of Tehran governor’s office, Hossein Tavakkoli, deputy of governor and special supervisor of Ray, Rastegari, deputy of supervision and monitoring of Tehran province environment, and Ms. Ebadi, head of the environment department of Ray and their accompanying bodies

The public relations and advertisement office of Iranol report that during this ceremony, Dr. Taghizadeh, civil deputy of Tehran’s governor’s office first appreciated the launching of this system in Iranol company and said: All great industrial units are required to sample and measure their environmental pollution and destruction in order to decrease pollutant and destructive factors to the environment
Mr. Razzaghi, supervisor of Iranol Co. also addressed the measures taken in order to protect the environment in Iranol and added: The company has taken the measures to equipt three furnaces with analyzers and monitors and also two other devices have been purchased and installed, after which, 5 of the furnaces will be instantly monitored with three monitoring devices
The supervisor of Iranol Co. explained: By launching this system the output pollutant gases will be measured and the output can be adjusted to prevent it from being polluting
20 January 2020 Print
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