IRANOL Oil Co.’s exportation terminal at Imam Khomeini port with a tanker capacity of 25,000 tons and an investment of 630 billion IRR and a current value of approximately 2,000 billion IRR was opened with the presence of Dr. Mohseni Bandpey supervisor of the ministry of cooperatives, labor and social welfare, Mr. Shariati the governor of Khuzestan province, Mr. Lotfi managing director of Social Security Investment Co. (SHASTA), Mr. Taghi Zadeh managing director of state retirement fund, Mr. Makhdoumi managing director of TOPICO, MR. Peyvandi chairman of the board of TOPICO and a group of state managers and officers

Public relations and advertisement of IRANOL Oil Co. reported that Mr. Eisa Eshaghi managing director of IRANOL Oil. Co. said during the opening ceremony: With the help of God in the year for supporting Iranian products, IRANOL Oil Co.’s exportation terminal was utilized at Imam Khomeini Port in a land with an area of 2.5 hectares with a tanker capacity of 25,000 tons concluding of 8 tankers of which 3 tankers (5,000 tons) are allocated to heavy products, 4 tankers (2500 tons) are allocated to various types of base oils and 1 tanker is allocated to fire fighting water
By stating that the executive operations of this project started in 2016 he added: Utilizing this project, in addition to job generation, has greatly helped with the decrease of costs and increase of competitiveness and exportation abilities of IRANOL
Mr. Eshaghi emphasized: By now IRANOL Oil Co. used 10,000 tons of leased tankers and paid approximately 200 billion IRR as rent for these tankers and now by utilizing this exportation terminal our reserved exportation products has increased 2.5 times which gives us an opportunity for better competitiveness and higher profit in time
He emphasized: By opening the export terminal of IRANOL Oil Co., the utilization of the railway for transporting exportation products from Tehran refinery to the export terminal at Imam Khomeini port has commenced and by utilizing this project our costs will reduce in addition to a safer railway security
The managing director of IRANOL Oil Co. stated: IRANOL exportation terminal is launched by using domestic skills by one of the social security group contractors (Pars Machine Making)
It should be noted that IRANOL exportation terminal is the most equipped and modern exportation terminal at Imam Khomeini port with tanker loading and unloading stations divided by products, train loading and unloading pumping station with the capacity of 16 wagons inside the site, automatic fire warning and fighting system with fire fighting pumps, pumping station for transporting materials to vessels, two boiler units for steam generation, two air compressors for generating dry air, storage hall with an area of 400 sq.m., boiler and compressor hall with an area of 550 sq.m., office building, workers and cafeteria building, two heavy scales each with a capacity of 60 tons, site control and monitoring system with control room, two electricity generators, electricity room with high and low voltage boards and the surface water collection and separation system
6 September 2018 Print
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