The main audited financial statements of IRANOL Oil Co. (SHRANOL) was published for the fiscal year ending on Mar. 20, 2018
The public relations and advertisement of IRANOL reported from ILNA news agency that the financial statements of IRANOL Oil. Co. was published in KODAL system by announcing its profits at 1076 IRR per share.
The loss and profit statements of the company include growth in all fields compared to the previous year including a 20% increase of sales, 17% increase of gross profit, 28% growth of operational profit and a 8% growth of net profit after the taxes compared to the previous year which is available at KODAL system under SHRANOL.
Also accordingly the net profit of each share of IRANOL Co. during the past financial year was 1990 IRR with a capital of 1,000,000 million IRR which in consideration of the increase of capital in 2017 at 100%, the profit amounted to 1076 IRR. According to the information published in KODAL system, the first forecast for the profit of each share during said fiscal year was announced at 961 IRR which finally reached 1076 IRR which shows a 12% increase compared to the original forecast.
In should be noted that the total net profit of the company is 2,152,632 million IRR with a registered capital of 2,000,000 million IRR. Also the total accumulated profit of the company is 3,031,605 million IRR which shows a 9% growth compared to previous year..
9 June 2018 Print
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