date : 19 January 2020

Iranol shined again amongst the top 100 companies in the country

Iranol company shined during the 22nd conference of Iranian top companies ranking which was held on January 19th, 2020 by the Industrial Management Organization at the international conference hall of IRIB with an improvement of 4 steps up amongst the top 100 Iranian companies

The public relations and advertisement office of Iranol company reports that the company was able to achieve from rank 87 in the past year to rank 83 in 2020. The company also jumped from rank 97 to 87 the year before that

This ranking is made each year based on the amounts of sale and the general financial performance of companies and commercial institutes based on their approved financial statements and VAT, assets, job creation, profitability and market value

This year, alongside with announcing the most important results of the ranking and presenting a report on the status of different business fields in the country, the most progressive companies with higher ranks were honoured

The 22nd conference for ranking the best Iranian companies titled IMI 100 was held with the presence of senior state authorities, agents of economic and industries commissions and deputies, senior managers of economic businesses, organizations and professors and authorities in the fields of management and economy and a large group of activists and experts of the fields of industry, production, services and commerce

It should be noted that the Industrial Management Organizations ranks the best Iranian companies every year. This ranking which introduces the top 500 great and effective companies in Iran’s economy is performed with the goal to identify the status of businesses and industrial groups (different categories) and to develop competition between them, hence, assisting the Iranian economic policymakers